Posted in Monthly Wrap-Up, reading wrap-up

January 2021 Wrap-Up & Book Haul

A new year, a new month, and a new start. I cannot believe that January went by so fast, and February is just as fast. Can you believe that it is already more than half of the month and I am just posting my wrap-up? Oh, well. What’s new?

The month of January is a good reading month for me. I managed to finally finished the books that I started back in December. Plus, I finally read Laini Taylor’s other books.😭 A good reading month, indeed.

Without further ado, let’s get into the books!

Rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

Thoughts: I started reading this book back in December, hence the Christmas-y story. But since I am in a slumpy mood, I only managed to finish it this month. It was a fun and atmospheric read. It gives off the snowy cold vibes of Christmas. If you are looking for a book to read in December, check this out!

Rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

Thoughts: It took me quite a while to decide as to whether or not I like this book. It has a very unique story, and at some point, I looked up the synopsis of the book to what it was all about. Basically, it was a thriller book following a woman whose son was kidnapped, and the aftermath of her losing his son. But I thought that is the whole plot. There are more, and at some point I am not sure if it was working. Once I think about it for days, I realized that I like it even though it was unusual. Highly recommend if you want to be confused.😅

Rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑

Thoughts: Last Dance is a graphic novel about a ballerina and her struggle to come into turns with not being able to do what she loves. I like the story and the illustrations. However, it was pitched to me as something for people who love a horror story. But it does not give off a scary vibes to it. Other than that, it is a fast read.

Rating: 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑

Thoughts: I DNFed this book. It is probably the most disappointing book I have ever read, and hopefully, the first and last book that I will DNF for this year. The book was pitched as The Phantom Opera meets The Night Circus. I am curious to see as to how this is going to play out. Yet sadly, it is one of those books that has too much potential, but lacks in execution. Check out my full rant as to why I DNF this book if you want to know more.

Full Rant/Review

Rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌘🌑

Thoughts: A Romeo and Juliet retelling set in Shanghai. It is a very enjoyable book to read with lots of twists and angsty romance. I enjoyed it, but I was not that invested with the story and the characters. It is the first book that I read in a long time that made me think that I am not planning to pick the next book, and I do not know why.

Rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕

Thoughts: I cannot believe that I waited this long to read this book. It was brilliant. The writing style, the magic system, the characters, the world building, the romance. It was everything that I wanted. Laini Taylor just solidifies my love for her. I am so excited to dive into the next book!

Now, for the book haul! For January, I only bought 3 books and that is the Grisha Trilogy.

I hauled Six of Crows duology back in 2018, I think. And since then, I have been hesitant to pick it up. There are some who recommend reading this trilogy first. Since the Netflix show is coming, I decided to finally give in and buy these books. I cannot say no after seeing this gorgeous edition for a cheaper price.

That’s all for my January wrap-up and book haul! I hope you have a good reading day, week, month, or year.

Until next time!



A reader who becomes a villain, a queen, a princess, a heroine, and a warrior depends on the story that she reads. A dreamer who wishes to dwell in the world that she visited through the pages of her book. A frustrated blogger who wishes to put into words the frustration, boredom, and excitement that she felt throughout her many journeys outside the real world.

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