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All About, 2021

2020 was a year of uncertainty and fear. I lost my job right when the pandemic hit our country. Finding a new job was challenging since most of the establishments are closing due to lockdowns.

2021 was the year of loss, grief, self-doubt, and self-discovery.

I lost a loved one in 2021. My grandmother died due to the pandemic. It was a hard blow to the family, as we didn’t get the chance to see her before they cremated her.

Although I was at my lowest last year, due to the death of my grandmother and losing a job at the end of 2020, I still push through and find ways to earn some money.

Self-doubt crept in sprinkled with a bit of existential crisis as I struggled to find a job. So I decided to venture into a small business of selling baked goods like cookies and brownies. It was challenging but I managed with the help of my mother.

Along the way, baking lost its fun. I knew it was only a seasonal thing and won’t last. I decided to look for an online part-time job. Lo and behold, I landed my dream job.

In the middle of the year, I became a part-time author for reading apps similar to Wattpad, though a bit different when it comes to the reading experience. I honestly loved writing stories. The only downside to the job was not being able to write freely. My agent would tell me the direction of how the plot would go, and I would just fill in the spaces. But all in all, it was fun. I felt like I lived the dream of my 16 years old self of becoming a writer.

With everything that happened in 2021, it didn’t feel like a year at all. It felt more like a decade.

I couldn’t have been more glad when 2022 came along. It felt like a year of hope, new beginnings, & new opportunities.

I started a 9-6 job at the beginning of the year. Almost 6 months in the company and I am still enjoying myself with the job. But I couldn’t say there aren’t any challenges along the way. You see, I have a night shift job and adjusting was hard, but I managed.

While I worked a 9-6 job, I am still doing my part-time job. But I had to stop in March because the company I was working with was based in China. And with the surge of the pandemic in their country, the company halted its operations.

So here I am now, a free gal with a 9-6 job with a room for leisurely doing things again without the self-doubt and stress.

So, hi there. It has been a while since I opened this blog. I won’t promise to be active, as life always has a lot of things in store. But I would surely be posting again from time to time. I have a lot of backlogs with books to review, but I will get there.

Right now, I am finally back to reading again. I have been in the biggest slump of my life last year. I only got back to reading a week ago, so I am enjoying my time.

Anyway, I just dropped by to say hi.

Until next time,


A reader who becomes a villain, a queen, a princess, a heroine, and a warrior depends on the story that she reads. A dreamer who wishes to dwell in the world that she visited through the pages of her book. A frustrated blogger who wishes to put into words the frustration, boredom, and excitement that she felt throughout her many journeys outside the real world.

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